๐ฌ๐ง๐บ๐ธ A profitable month. Back on a really intense training, where most of the fun happens ๐คช. Tonight only few slow kilometers (tomorrow repeats! ๐ญ), and the difficult part was to run... slowly! When I'm good shape, I tend to overdo... stay calm, trust the process! ๐ ๐ฎ๐น Un mese proficuo. Tornato all'allenamento molto intenso, dove sta il divertimento piรน grande ๐คช. Stasera solo pochi chilometri (domani ripetute! ๐ญ), e la parte difficile รจ stata... andare piano! Quando sono in buona forma, rendo a esagerare... stai calmo, e credi nel programma! ๐ . . . . . #venetorunning #nevernotrunning #happyrunner #runhappy #ubunturunz #courseapied #laufen #bieganie #marathon #marathontraining #running #love2run #correr #courir #justrun #justdoit #gorun #asicsfrontrunneritaly #asicsfrontrunner #runtoinspire #trainhard #nevergiveup #

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