🇺🇸🇬🇧 17 Mairaton 🇸🇯 done! 😎 Short of training, so short of breath and legs, but I got to the finish line.💪 In the next days I will post a complete report, but now I only want some rest... 😅 🇮🇹 17 Mairaton 🇸🇯 fatta! 😎 Poco allenamento, quindi poco fiato e gambe, ma sono arrivato al traguardo. 💪Nei prossimi giorni farò un resoconto completo, ma adesso voglio solo riposarmi...😅 . . . . . #venetorunning #runtoinspire #imoveme #iosonounrunner #iamarunner #iocorroqui #trainhard #nevergiveup #nevernotrunning #happyrunner #runhappy #ubunturunz #courseapied #laufen #bieganie #marathon #running #raceday #nevernotrunning #fuckcovid19 #aktivejenter #17mairaton #oslomaraton #javielskerløping

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